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Monday, November 08, 2004

Monk-News: Bush to Citizens of Fallujah: "Prepare to Be Liberated From the Tyranny of this Foolish Mortal Coil"

On the eve of what top American generals expect to be the fiercest fighting the United States army has faced since Vietnam, President Bush made a heart-felt speech to the citizens of Fallujah, promising to do all he can to "liberate them from the tyranny of this foolish mortal coil.". With a warm farewell sent to the people of Fallujah as they "bravely face the great hereafter", Bush said that years of suffering under the tyranny of Sadaam Hussein and a "mad world, devoid of reason or compassion" have finally come to an end.

While he would not diverge details, he did assure reporters that the principal tools of liberating the Iraqi people included napalm, depleted uranium shells, and the Bradley M2/A3 Tracked Armour Fighting Vehicle. Bush assured the Iraqi people that he "would not rest" until they were completely free from "the meaningless absurdity of our uncaring world".

At one particularly moving point in his speech, Bush quietly looked down, with a single noble tear trickling down from his eye, and his pained expression revealing the deep emotion he felt. He then asked the audience: "What is a man? But a worthless pile of secrets? Are our lives anything but a collection of foolish dreams and ambitions that are dashed upon the rocks by the capricious fates for a moment's sport? Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing."

When pressed by a reporter, Bush confirmed that the main reasons for his desire to free the Iraqi people were "the uncaring hand of a blind, fool God" and the Administration's position that "All existence is but the fickle whim of time and circumstance, doomed to be swept away by the inexpungeable forces of entropy". In response to critics of his policy, Bush simply replied "The Sun sets on us all, to believe otherwise is the nakedest of folly."

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